With more than 2 years in the making, it is with great excitement that we can finally announce this package! This amazing tour will showcase 3 of the finest contemporary death metal bands from two continents that has never played Europe before! The tour will start off with performances at Kill-Town Death Fest and for the first week Innumerable Forms will play 7 select exclusive shows before returning home to Boston. Faceless Burial and Ossuary will continue for another week where they among other performances will perform at the new Tones of Decay festival in Prague. The dates of the tour will be as follows: 1st – 10th September 2022.
— Contact Daniel at daniel@killtownbookings.com to bring Faceless Burial & Ossuary & Innumerable Forms to your town between 1-10 September 2022
— Check out Faceless Burial, Ossuary, Innumerable Forms profiles